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TBR - February 2019

Like most avid readers I have a HUGE To Be Read (TBR) pile. Usually I pick and choose however the mood takes me and often I’ll end up buying something else to read as well as others which then add even more books just sitting in the pile. This month I thought I would try something a little different so I went through the pile of over 35 physical books (e-books are a whole other story) and selected a few that I think I’ll be in the mood for and see how I go just picking from them instead of a big daunting list.

I have selected six books for February and most of them are leaning pretty heavily towards the mystery department, which is fine by me. Crime, mystery, thrillers, these are a few of my favourite things!

I finished the first book for the month, which was ‘Sharp Objects’ by Gillian Flynn. I can’t say I was blown away by it but it was fairly engaging. I went into it thinking that it would be good to read before watching the series, however I found that knowledge, or thought, became a major distraction. I’ve never had this problem before, and I’m not sure why it’s happened now, but I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that I won’t be watching the series after all. I ended up giving it a three star rating as I didn’t find it super twisty or surprising in the plot reveals, I could pretty much guess where it was heading which was a little disappointing.

There are other books here that I’ve been looking forward to for a while. ‘The Library Book’ by Susan Orlean for example has been on my TBR since before its release. When I first saw it listed as a book to look forward to on iBooks and posts on Instagram, I immediately added it to my list and waited impatiently. Since then there has been a major hype about it as Reece Witherspoon’s Book Club picked it up so I’m hoping that it lives up to expectations.

‘Hangman’ by Jack Heath, and ‘Greenlight’ by Benjamin Stevenson are two Aussie authored books I’ve wanted to get to for a while now. With the sequel to ‘Hangman’ about to be released I would like to have read it so I can pick up the next instalment soon after. ‘The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle’ by Stuart Turton is another I’ve been eagerly anticipating but keep putting on the backburner for other books that keep popping up. Then last but not least is ‘The Chestnut Man’ by Soren Sveistrup. Of the six selected for my TBR this month, this is the most recent addition. I have a newly developing love for Scandinadian authors and when I saw the premise and that this author also wrote the brilliant TV program ‘The Killing’ I was hooked.

I’m not sure how many of these I’ll get to this short month of February, and there are no guarantees I’ll even stick to this select few (something else may come along on a whim) but I’ll be sure to keep you updated.

Let me know if you have read any of these books I’ve mentioned, or if you plan on getting to them soon. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Until next time, happy reading!

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