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November Review - 'Hold the Dark' by William Geraldi

I first picked this book because I'd seen a preview for the Netflix movie and thought it looked like something I would enjoy, a week or so later I saw it in the bookshop and I kept getting drawn to it so I thought I'd better give it a read. Seeing as it was only 190pages I thought it would be a breeze...I was wrong!

A short book like this would usually take me a day, maybe two, to read. But four days later I finished it with a little disappointment. Initially 'Hold the Dark' was a five star rating for me but I reduced it to four stars after finishing due to the not very satisfactory (for me) ending. It's a dark tale about a small Alaskan village where wolves have begun taking the children. The mother of a missing boy has reached out to an expert on wolves who then travels to the town in the hopes of being some help.

There are twists and turns aplenty in this tale and rather a high level of violence. I can't recall having read anything quite like it before. There were quite a few shocking plot twists early on, which had me reading on and wanting more. However, the violence soon becomes expected and the "shock ending" kind of predictable, which is a shame.

I am glad I read 'Hold the Dark' and will also be giving the Netflix movie a try, I'm interested to see how they handle it all.

Have you read anything shocking in recent weeks? Have you read, or seen, 'Hold the Dark'? If so I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Until next time, happy reading,


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